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Hi there.  My name is Jay Wong and I want to get real with you for a minute.

I’ve always dreamed big, strived to create change for the people around me and deeply cared for everyone in my network.

My dream growing up was to one day, change the world. To impact and inspire others that I come across to live their own truth and be in alignment with their purpose.  After a period of soul searching and vagabonding in Asia in 2014, I immediately thought about how to achieve the next dream.

Broken, broke, and clueless on how to make money or get a career, my obsession for learning about business, marketing, and adding value to influential people (when I had no value to give) began.  Since then it’s been a powerful journey for me – becoming the host and producer of the top-rated podcast; The Inner Changemaker, (debut as the #1 Self-Help podcast in iTunes in 2015), building up a profitable online education company,  speaking all over the world, documenting my development process across all social media channels and much more.

I’m a firm believer that how you feel every moment is more important than what you do or what you have.  I also believe that taking massive action solves almost every business or personal issue that my students and I have gone through.  

Knowing what is possible in life when I commit to my vision and pursue it with 100% passion… anything is possible.

Living my ideal lifestyle is important to me instead of working to survive life.

It’s hard to think that without having any internet marketing or entrepreneurial experience I went from sleeping on my parent’s couch to running a successful media company, and traveling and speaking around the world in a couple of years.  Hustle comes to mind when people ask me how I did it.  Lots of hustle, passion, focus, and consistent vision.


Connect further with Jay
Instagram: @thejaywong

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