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The BEST way to overcome fear is….

Taking Bold Action!

Every time you boldly take a step towards an end  goal, you start stripping away a piece of  what holds you back and start demystifying what you believe to be possible.  The more action you take, the more fear turns into confidence. 

Tip : What you focus on is what you will get more of.  Focus on taking bold action, and forget fear.  

Public Speaking in Chinese

My heart is racing.  Pounding.  “What if I forget the words?  What comes after this sentence?” “Will this make sense?” This is it…it’s show time! It is time to public speak in Chinese. 

Standing in the middle of my Chinese class, it dawns on me; a mere 10 months ago (February 2014) I did not even know how to order “chicken fried rice or beef noodles” in Chinese

What I learn from an 8 year old

Sitting on the plane, about to spend a month in western rural China traveling without too much of a plan. I was exhausted emotionally and physically from all the good-byes and “obligatory” parties in the previous weeks. I needed time for myself. 

I was hoping I could catch a few hours of sleep before landing so I can start my trip with energy and enthusiasm.  As I started drifting off, I noticed the person sitting next to me was a simple little girl.  I assumed that her family members were nearby and did not think too much of it. 

I woke up in a daze after a couple hours to find her jumping in the seat, full of energy.  Of course, kids.  We made eye contact and she begins to berate me  with questions.  Very direct questions.  

3 Lessons from traveling in Kunming

Confused. A touch of panic. Out of breath. I'm sitting on the bus in the outskirts of Kunming, China, and I do not have the slightest clue if I picked the right side of the road or not.  One will eventually take me to my destination and the other one will inevitably ruin the day-trip by placing me on the complete opposite side of the city.

As I sat there catching my breath, I pondered : how did this happen? I was so diligent in my research, I used the top resources, I had ample time to prep, and still, it came down to a 50/50 gamble. I realized this situation resembles a great deal of what we face in business and in life.